
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC reveal recap: Sora, Kingdom Hearts on  Switch, and more - CNET
Smash Bros. Ultimate guide: Best characters for beginners - Polygon


           Almost three years later since Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was released and even MORE characters have been added to the roster.  There are over 80 characters (yes, 80 CHARACTERS) in the game that come from various video game franchises.  Banjo-Kazooie, Isabelle, Sephiroth, and Steve are just some of the many playable characters that have been added to the game.  Each character comes with its own flair and set of moves to wipe out their opponent. 

            Interestingly enough, there is still one other character that is part of the Challenger Pack 11 DLC, which is also part of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2.  This last character has ties to two other characters, Sephiroth and Cloud.  The next character that will be joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is… Sora.

Sora from Kingdom Hearts is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's final DLC  character - CNET
Kingdom Hearts' Sora is a Hilariously Merciless Character

            Sora, best known as the main character of the Kingdom Hearts series, will be the final DLC fighter added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  He and his keyblade come packed with special moves that will surely wipe out his enemies.      

2021-10-05 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Hollow Bastion Stage - KH13 · for  Kingdom Hearts
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Kingdom Hearts Stage Has Character Cameos

            Besides unlocking Sora, Hollow Bastion will also be a new stage to fight in.  There are even selections of music from the Kingdom Hearts series that will be added as well.  Players will see familiar scenes from Kingdom Hearts being played out while fighting in Hollow Bastion.

Fighters Pass | DLC | Nintendo
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Giving The Last DLC Fighter Its Own Direct Feels  Right

            The latest game from the Super Smash Bros. series is the gift that keeps on giving.  Billions of players worldwide have been playing the game, even year since the game first came out.  Super Smash Bros. Ultimate keeps releasing more content that draws more players in for more fun.  Its minor additions like adding Cloud or the Hollow Bastion stage that enhance the experience even further.

Fighters Pass Vol. 2 | DLC | Nintendo

            We can expect to see Sora and the Hollow Bastion stage when the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2 releases on October 18th.  Sora may not be fighting off any heartless or nobodies, but he will be using the keyblade to open the door… of light.

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